
RealSlim Features

The RealSlim plugin can be used to:

  • Browse the Rhapsody catalog.
  • Search for Artists, Albums or Tracks within the Rhapsody catalog.
  • Access Albums, Artists and Playlists which you have added to the My Library list from the Rhapsody application.
  • Play Rhapsody Albums, Tracks or Radio Stations on a Squeezebox or SliMP3.
  • Access everything using the Web interface.
  • Control playback options using preferences.

Finding RealSlim

The plugin can be accessed from the top-level SlimServer Plugins menu:

Plugins (3 of 7)
RealSlim ->

If the Rhapsody application is not running, the plugin will ask you to launch the application.

Browse Catalog

This menu can be used to browse the Rhapsody catalog. It reflects the menu hierarchy available through the Rhapsody application browser window.

RealSlim (1 of 3)
Browse Catalog ->

At the top level of the hierarchy are the main genres of music in the catalog:

Genres (1 of 20)
Rock/Pop ->

Within each Genre, there are submenus for the following:

  • Subgenres
  • Popular Artists
  • Key Artists
  • Key Albums
  • Radio Stations

Drilling down the menu hierarchy will generally lead to the discography for an individual artist or group:

The Crystal Method (1 of 5)
Main Releases ->

For a given artist, there are submenus for the following:

  • Main Releases
  • Singles and EPs
  • Compilations
  • Sampler
  • Radio Stations

Drilling down further will lead to a list of Albums or individual Tracks:

Main Releases (4 of 4)
Vegas ->

The Crystal Method/Vegas (1 of 10)
Trip Like I Do §

Search Catalog

This menu can be used to search the Rhapsody catalog:

RealSlim (2 of 3)
Search Catalog ->

This feature can be used to search for any of the following by name:

  • Artists
  • Albums
  • Tracks

Search text can be entered using the Squeezebox remote. This is similar to the local search feature provided by SlimServer:

Search for Artists

Artists matching "JAMES" (19 of 100)
James Brown ->

My Library

This menu provides access to the contents of the "bookmarked" Albums, Artists, Playlists and Radio Stations in the My Library panel of the Rhapsody application.

RealSlim (3 of 3)
My Library ->

The top level of the My Library menu hierarchy contains the following items:

  • Artists
  • Albums
  • Tracks
  • Playlists
  • Radio Stations

Playing Rhapsody content

The following buttons on a Squeezebox/SliMP3 remote perform actions when pressed while viewing an Album, Sampler, Track or Radio Station:

  • Play - Sets the current SlimServer playlist to the corresponding item(s) and immediately starts playing.
  • Add - Adds the corresponding item(s) to the end of the current SlimServer playlist.
  • Library - Holding down the Add button will add the current Album, Sampler or Radio Station to My Library. Note that this feature only works if Rhapsody and RealSlim are working on the same machine.

Web Interface

Starting with v0.6 and SlimServer 5.2, RealSlim also exposes a web interface. This interface can be accessed directly from the SlimServer home page. The additional links on the home page will include:

  • "Browse Rhapsody Catalog" and "My Rhapsody Library" in the "Browse Music" section.
  • "Search Rhapsody Catalog" in the "Search Music" section.
  • "RealSlim Settings" in the "Settings" section.

Preference Options

Several RealSlim settings can be changed using the "RealSlim Settings" link (with SlimServer 5.2 or later) or by finding the settings page under Server Settings > Additional Server Settings > Plugins. The settings include:

  • Always compress content - If set to Yes, always sends compressed MP3 streams to the player. Otherwise, sends uncompressed PCM to a Squeezebox and MP3 to a SliMP3. MP3 encoding requires the installation of the LAME encoder DLL. Default is No.
  • Mute Rhapsody client - If set to Yes, mutes the Rhapsody application so that no audio is heard from computer speakers. Default is Yes.
  • Show debugging information - If set to Yes, prints debugging information to the console. Default is No.
  • IPC Port, HTTP Port, UPnP Port - Network ports used by the plugin. These should only be changed if you get port conflicts with some other application.